
See the context of this sign.

Uncovering the Past

During the summers of 1967 and 1968 an
extensive archeological investigation was
conducted on Unkar Delta.

Fifty two Anasazi sites were recorded on the delta, and ten
were completely excavated. The largest site contained a comples
with 25 rooms. Within the area of the delta tools for hunting,
agriculture and woodworking were also found.

Unkar Delta was found to contain numerous terraces
constructed by the prehistoric people so that they could farm the
area. With the Colorado River bordering the Delta, the residents
had a constant supply of water to irrigae their agricultural plots.

In trying to fully reenact Anasazi life, the researchers found
that it was an arduous two-day walk from the North Rim to the
delta down Unkar Creek.

[Picture captions]
excavating ruins at
Unkar Delta

Shell ornaments
worn by the
prehistoric dwellers
of Unkar Delta.

Decorated ceramic
vessel probably
used for food

Grough metates
were used by
Anasazi farmers to
grind corn into

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