
See the context of this sign.

Northeast View

From this, the highest viewpoint on the North Rim,
one has an unparalleled view of the upper reaches
of Grand Canyon known as Marble Canyon.
Lees Ferry, not quite visible on the horizon, lies
approximately where the Vermillion Cliffs (on the
left) and the Echo Cliffs (on the right) meet.

The Kaibab Limestone forms the surface of the Marble
Platform, thousands of feet below. This same rock
forms the surface of the Kaibab Plateau on which
you are standing, convincing evidence of the uplift
that has occurred here.

[Features in picture, left to right]

Vermillion Cliffs

Marble Platform

Lees Ferry

Marble Canyon

Henry Mountains
Distance 133 miles, 244 km

Saddle Mountain

Echo Cliffs

Don't miss the rest of our virtual tour of North Rim in 2362 images.